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Saturday, May 31, 2008

John Titor Videocast Preview

Everybody knew that John Titor is a hoax. The reason why he made up all that stories is to get others attention who are obsessed with time traveling. The last post of John Titor was in 2004. He posted under the names "timetravel_0" and "timetravel_1". After that, he revealed his real name and admitted all that was an elaborated hoax. He then apologized for the mess he caused. Anywhere, here I give you John Titor videocast preview. Enjoy!!

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Enquiry on the Story

An Italian TV program (Voyager - Ai confini della conoscenza) aired an investigation of the John Titor story on May 19, 2008. Mike Lynch, the private detective hired to investigate, found there were no registry traces, even far in the past, of any John Titor or Titor family; the John Titor Foundation had no office and its address is a rented post box; no tapes, recordings, or evidence of Titor were found; and only Larry Haber (advocate and owner of the commercial rights about all concerns John Titor) confirmed his existence. Lynch conclusion is that John Titor may be the brother of Larry Haber, a computer expert.

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Problems with the Technology

The image of the laser pointer's beam being "bent" has the obvious problem that objects around the beam are not bent. For instance, the framing of the window visible in the background should be distorted if there was a large gravity gradient in the area, but it is not. Some have speculated the "beam" is an optical fiber.

Titor claimed that he was sent back to obtain an IBM5100 because it could translate several types of computer code. According to IBM engineer Bob Dubke, Titor's statement regarding the IBM 5100's little known ability to emulate and debug mainframe systems were correct. Supporters state that this information was not publicly available in 2000 or 2001 when Titor made his declaration. Titor himself stated that this feature was "discovered (or at least known after testing)" as late as 2036.

However, this emulation capability was widely known in the industry, and commented on in depth in numerous publications, both about the 5100 and programmable microcode in general. References to this fact were also available on the Internet as early as 1999, predating Titor's posts. This is fairly obscure bit of trivia, however, which suggests whoever was making the posts was familiar with the machine, or had an interest in retrocomputing.

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Predictive Failures

The posts were met skepticism when they were being posted, but it was impossible to prove beforehand that they would not happen. Titor claimed the many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics was correct, effectively meaning that his travel was from a parallel universe and things could occur differently than he had predicted. This makes his claims unfalsifiable. The predictions have failed to come true in any case.

One of Titor's earliest claims was that CERN would discover the basis for time travel some time around 2001. This event did not occur. An article about miniature black holes being created by CERN (a recurring theme, also described to Fermilab and Brookhaven at various times) was taken by some to be evidence of this claim, but these events did not occur either. Civil War did not break out after the 2004 presedential elections.

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Monday, May 26, 2008


The most immediate of Titor's predictions was of an upcoming civil war in the US having to do with "order and rights". He described it as beginning in 2004 with civil unrest surrounding the presidential election. The civil conflict that he characterizes as "having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse: will be pretty much at everyone's doorstep" erupts by 2008.

Titor claimed that as a 13-year old, in 2011, he fought with the "Fighting Diamondbacks", a shotgun infantry unit of Florida, for at least 4 years. However in other posts he described himself as hiding from the war. As a result of the war the US splits into 5 regions based on various factors and differing military objectives. This civil war, according to Titor, will then end in 2015 with a brief, but intense, World War III:

In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the US (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective), China and Europe. The US counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire) thus we (in the country) won. The European Union and China were also destroyed.

Titor refers to the exchange as "N Day". Washington D.C. and Jacksonville are specifically mentioned as being hit. After the war, Omaha, Nebraska in the nation's new capital city.

Titor is vague as the exact motivations and causes for World War III. At one point he characterized hostilities as being led by "border clashes and overpopulation" but also points to the present conflict between Arabs and Jews as a harbinger of World War III:

Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency..The Jewish population in Israel is not prepared for a true offensive war. They are prepared for the ultimate defense. Wavering western support for Israel is what gives Israel's neighbors the confidence to attack. The last resort for a defensive Israel and its offensive Arab neighbors is to use weapons of mass destruction. In the grand scheme of things, the war in the Middle East is a part of what's to come, not to cause.

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Time Machine (By John Titor)

He described the time machine on several occasions. In an early post, he described it as a "stationary mass, temporal displacement unit powered by 2 top-spin, dual positive singularities", producing a "standard off-set Tipler sinusoid", The earliest post was more explicit, saying it contained:

2 magnetic housing units for the dual micro singularities
An electron injection manifold to alter mass and gravity micro singularities
A cooling and X-ray venting system
Gravity sensors, or a variable gravity lock
4 main caesium clocks
3 main computer units

According to the posts, the device was installed in the rear of a 1967 Chevrolet Corvette convertible, and later moved to a 1987 4-wheel drive truck.

He also claimed that the "Everett-Wheeler model of quantum physics" was correct. This model, better known as the many-worlds interpretation, posits that every possible outcome of a quantum decision actually occurs in a separate "universe". Titor stated that this was the reason the grandfather paradox would not occur, following the logic of the argument, he would be killing someone else's grandfather in another timeline, not his own.

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Friday, May 23, 2008


In his alleged online postings, Titor claimed to be an American soldier from the year 2036, based in Tampa in Hillsborough County, Florida who was assigned to a governmental time travel project. He had been sent back to 1975 to retrieve an IBM5100 computer which he said was needed to "debug" various legacy computer programs in 2036; a reference to the UNIX 2038 timeout error. The 5100 runs the APL, and BASIC programming languages. Titor had been selected for this mission specifically due to the fact his paternal grandfather was directly involved with the building and programming of the 5100.

Titor claimed to be on a stopover in the year 2000 for "personal reasons", to collect pictures lost in the civil war, and was visiting his family; Titor spoke of his family often. Titor also said he had been, for a few months, trying to alert anyone that would listen about the threat of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease spread through beef products, and about the possibility of civil war in the US. Titor also had expressed an interest in unexplained mysteries questioned about it by an online poster, such as UFOs (which in his time were still as yet unexplained). Titor suggested that UFOs and alien visitors may well be time travelers from much further into the future than his own time, and with much more accurate time machines than his own.

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Titor's Posts

The first post appeared on the Time Travel Institute forums on November 2, 2000, under the name TimeTravel_0. At the time, the posts had nothing to do with future events, and the name "John Titor" was not being used. The posts had to do with time travel in general, the first one being the "six parts" description of what a time machine would need to have to work and responses to questions about how such a machine would work. Early messages tended to be short.

Soon after, TimeTravel_0 claimed to be a time traveler from the future and began making various descriptions of his time. As time went on he answered questions posted in the forum, and started to reveal a more complex picture of the future. Although most of his posts concerned the state of the world in the future, Titor also responded to questions both in the forums and in IRC, and sometimes posted images purporting to be the time travel device, or its manual. He also sometimes talked about more current events, for instance, in an early post he stated that "The breakthrough that will allow for [time travel] technology will occur within a year or so [2001] when CERN brings their larger facility online".

The name "John Titor" was not introduced until January 2001 when TimeTravel_0 began posting at the Art Bell BBS Forums (which required a name, real or not, to sign up for an account). The Titor posts ended in late March 2001. Eventually, a number of the threads became corrupted, but Titor's posts had been saved on peoples' hard drives and were copied to along with new discussions of the science behind Titor's time traveling as well as his predictions. Around 2003, various websites reproduced Titor's posts, re-arranging them into narratives. Not all refer to the original dates posted.

On numerous occasions Titor posted comments that appeared to be tongue-in-cheek. For instance, when asked why his images were of such low quality, he replied he was not a photographer. When asked if "Titor" was his real name, he replied that it was "a real name".

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

John Titor

John Titor is the name used on several bulletin boards during 2000 and 2001 of a poster claiming to be a time traveler from the year 2036. In these posts he made numerous predictions (a number of them vague, some quite specific about events in the near future, starting with events in 2004. He described a drastically changed future in which the United States had broken into 5 smaller regions, the environment and infrastructure had been devastated by a nuclear attack, and most other world powers had been destroyed.

Titor's posts sparked an intense debate on the Internet, with some people dismissing the claims and others defending them. In the time since Titor left the forums, the predictions for events that were supposed to occur by now have all failed to occur. Nevertheless, the Titor postings still have their supporters, who are quick to explain away these predictive failings.

To date, the story has been retold on numerous websites, in a book and in a play. He has also been discussed occasionally on the radio show Coast to Coast AM. In this respect, the Titor story may be unique in terms of broad appeal from an originally limited medium, an Internet discussion board.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Is Time Travel Possible?

Is Time Travel possible? Theoretical physicist and 2057 host Michio Kaku explores the possibilities. Some people said Time Travel is possible because time is relative to an observer based on his position and speed. If you are moving faster, time is slower. Time is the 4th dimension and you have to pass through the 4th dimension to accomplish time time travel. It is the same as time dilation. The speed of light is constant and time relies on the speed of light.

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Time Traveller: Fake or Real?

This guy claimed that he has met himself in the future. Is it possible to travel in the future or he just wanted to get people's attention by making fake story. He told that he "went to the future" and recorded him and himself at the age 70. In theory, it could be possible and a scientist would have to say nothing is impossible. But if he really "went to the future" he should show more proof so that people will believe him and not only showing his tattoo.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Time Travel: Einstein's Big Idea (Theory Of Relativity)

This is a little clip of how time travel can occur. It was taken from: The World's First Time Machine (Discovery Channel). Dr Ronald Mallet. This is just a theory of Einstein and maybe it could possibly occurs.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Non-Physics Based Experiments

Several experiments have been carried out to try to entice future humans, who might invent time travel technology, to come back and demonstrate it to people of the present time. Events such as Perth's Destination Day or MIT's Time Traveler Convention heavily publicized permanent "advertisements" of a meeting time and place for future time travelers to meet. These experiments only stood the possibility of generating a positive result demonstrating the existence of time travel, but have failed so far - no time travelers are known to have the meeting time and place in a parallel universe. Another factor is that for all the time travel devices considered under current physics (such as those that operate using wormholes), it is impossible to travel back to before the time machine was actually made.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Time Travel And The Anthropic Principle

It has been suggested bu physicists such as Max Tegmark that the absence of time travel and the existence of causality might due to the anthropic principle. The argument is that a universe which allows for time travel and closed time-like loops in one in which intelligence could not evolve because it would be impossible for a being to sort events in a past and future or to make predictions or comprehend the world around them. (taken from:

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Special Spacetime Geometries

The general theory of relativity extends the special theory to cover gravity, illustrating it in terms of curvature in spacetime cause by mass-energy and the flow of momentum. General relativity describes the universe under a system of field equations, and there exist solutions to these equations that permit what are called "closed time-like curves", and hence time travel into the past. The first of these was proposed by Kurt Godel, a solution known as the Godel metric, but his (and many others) example requires the universe to have physical characteristics that it does not appear to have. Whether general relativity forbids closed time-like curves for all realistic conditions is unknown.

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Friday, May 9, 2008

Time Travel To The Past In Physics

Time travel to the past is theoretically allowed using the following methods:
  • Traveling faster than the speed of light
  • The use of cosmic strings and black holes
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Thursday, May 8, 2008

The "present" view

Presentism holds that neither the future nor the past exist - that the only things that exist are present things, and there are no non-present objects. Some have taken presentism to indicate that time travel is impossible for there is no future or past to travel to; however, recently some presentists have argued that although past and future objects do not exist, there can still be definite truths about past and future events, and that it is possible that a future truth about the time traveler deciding to return to the present date could explain the time traveler's actual presence is the present. This view is contested by another contemporary advocate of presentism, Craig Bourne, in his recent book " A Future for Presentism" although for substantially different (and more complex) reasons. In any case, the relativity of simultaneity in modern physics is generally understood to cast serious doubt on presentism and to favor the view known as four dimensionalism (closely related to the idea of block time) in which past, present and future events all coexist in a single spacetime. (Taken from:

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General Relativity

The theory of general relativity does suggest scientific grounds for thinking backwards time travel could be possible in certain unusual scenarios, although arguments from semiclassical gravity suggest that when quantum effects are incorporated into general relativity, these loopholes may be closed. These semiclassical arguments led Hawking to formulate the chronology protection conjecture, suggesting that the fundamental laws of nature prevent time travel, but physicists cannot come to a definite judgment on the issue without a theory of quantum gravity to join quantum mechanics and general relativity into a completely unified theory.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tourism In Time

Stephen Hawking once suggested that the absence of tourists from the future constitutes an argument against the existence of time travel (a variant of the Fermi paradox). Of course this would not prove that time physically impossible, since it might be that time travel is physically possible but that it is never in fact developed (or was cautiously never used); and even if it is developed, Hawking notes elsewhere that time travel might only be possible in a region of spacetime that is warped in the right way, and that if we cannot create such a region until the future, then time travelers would not be able to travel back before that date, so "This picture would explain why we haven't been over run by tourists from the future. Carl Sagan also once suggested the possibility that time travelers could be here, but are disguising their existence or are not recognized as time travelers.

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Time Travel In Theory

Some theories most notably special and general relativity, suggest that suitable geometries of spacetime, or specific types of motion in space, might allow time travel into the past and future if these geometries or motions are possible. In technical papers physicists generally avoid the commonplace language of "moving" or "traveling" through time ("movement" normally refers only to a change in spatial position as the time coordinate is varied), and instead discuss the possibility of closed timelike curves, which are wordlines that form closed loops in spacetime, allowing objects to return to their own past. There are known to be solutions to the equations of general relativity that describe spacetimes which contain closed timelike curves, but the physical plausibility of these solutions is uncertain.

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Time Travel

Time Travel is the concept of moving between different moments in time in a manner analogous to moving between different points in space, either sending objects (or in some cases just information) backwards in time to a moment before the present, or sending objects forward from the present ti the future without the need to experience the intervening period ( at least not at the normal rate). Some interpretations of time travel also suggest that traveling backwards in time might take one to a parallel universe whose history could begin to diverge from the traveler's history after the moment the traveler arrived in the past.

Although time travel has been a common plot device in fiction since the 19th century, and one-way travel into the future is arguably possible given the phenomenon of time dilation based on velocity in the theory of special relativity (exemplified by the twin paradox) as well as gravitational time dilation in the theory of general relativity, it is currently unknown whether the laws of physics would allow backwards time travel. Any technological device, whether fictional or hypothetical, that is used to achieve two-way time travel is known as a time machine. (Taken from:

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